Protecting electrical systems from temperature extremes is imperative to maintaining aircraft functionality. Thermal analysis is important to the design of heat shields, anti-icing systems, propulsion system integration, and maintenance of controlled environments in cabins. Ensuring that electrical equipment maintains critical temperatures improves strength and component life.
![SYMMIC Software](/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/symmicSoftware.jpg)
![FZSim Software](/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/FZSimSoftware.jpg)
FZSim Software
This simulator models the growth of Silicon by the Float-Zone technique. The Float-Zone simulator captures all phenomena controlling the growth process: Electro-magnetic heat input, Electro-magnetic free surface pressure field, Electro-magnetic stirring of the melt, coupled radiation/conduction/convection heat transfer in the charge, gas phase convection, and dopant mass transfer in the gas and in the melt.